Beth Montag

ELI Coordinator and Instructor

Office: WSTC C139    |    Phone: (308) 865-8874   |    Email:

Beth Montag


B.A., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

Major: Biological Sciences

Minors: Chemistry and Microbiology


Beth Montag joined the Office of International Education in 2010 as an adjunct instructor.  Since that time she has served the office in various capacities including instructor, office associate and her current position as coordinator of ELI. 

Beth began her career working as a research assistant in a physiology laboratory at SIU-C, but considers education her true vocation. She began homeschooling her own children when they were in elementary school and has been teaching in one form or another ever since. She enjoys working with college students because they are at such pivotal years of their social, intellectual and personal development. In the ELI department, Beth has specialized in teaching writing and grammar.  She enjoys helping students prepare for the rigors of academic writing in the welcoming, friendly atmosphere of ELI. 

In her personal life, Beth and her husband, Jeff, have three grown children and four grandchildren.  In her spare time, Beth enjoys gardening, home projects and being outdoors in the quiet nature of Nebraska. Over the years, she has volunteered for numerous events with a local hospital and her church. More recently, she has begun working on a Master’s degree at bet36365体育 with the goal to understand and develop the pedagogy of English language learning, particularly in the mode of online education.